Bernard and Joyce

Bernard and Joyce used to be our neighbors here.
Bernard is a jazz and gospel saxophonist with decades of professional experience.
He also "fools around with racing cars."

He and Tom often get together for Saturday morning breakfasts out.
The two guys help each other out whenever needed,
and Bernard still drops in some evenings...
sometimes with his latest cooking production...
he makes a great barbecue!

Click images to enlarge.

These were taken on a Saturday, after breakfast...
stalling before working on a project!

Click image to enlarge.

Joyce has had a career in music and theatre promotion.
She is now with the Newark Arts Council.

She also teaches children about theatre,
as part of an after-school program
at a local community college;
and conducts childrens' tours and programs
at the Newark Museum of Art.

To check out the Newark Museum
Click here

Click images to enlarge.

We finally got this busy woman here to take her photo!
Unfortunately, the close-up is blurry...
I was still learning to use my new camera.

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